Members News
Words from EFAS President
Don Mc Bride
24 November 2021
Dear EFAS members,
An end of year update from EFAS.
Although life is at last moving on there remain difficult times across Europe with many countries now entering a fourth wave with discussion and argument about vaccination numbers and possible return to lockdown of varying types. This seems to depend more or less directly on vaccination percentages in any particular nation. However, EFAS has now had a highly successful Congress in Lyon, under the temporary Presidency of Yves Tourne. The Congress was mainly person to person with an excellent turn out but we added a hybrid element of internet attendees for those with difficulty making the journey from countries variably affected by travel issues. Despite the possible difficulties we are now organising a full programme of educational and face to face meetings in 2022 (available on the website) culminating in our main Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland from the 13th to 15th October 2022. We have invited the Canadian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (COFAS) as International Guest Nation and the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (BOFAS) as European Guest Nation. They are providing what I am sure will be excellent sessions during Congress. In addition, we are in the process of arranging some additional courses on the 12th of October, which we shall announce in due course. Myself, Manuel Monteagudo, our Scientific Committee Chairman and SC members, are already putting together the programme and we shall announce this as soon as it is available. As in previous years there will be several excellent prizes for those presenting on the podium or with a poster. We are also planning to run a Certification exam prior to Congress and details regarding this will be available on the website.
At this point I should like to thank all of our Industry partners for their past and continuing support of our Congresses and meetings. The relationship between surgeons and industry remains mutually beneficial for the development of new techniques and innovations. Long may this continue.
Regarding other matters I have recently attended the 50th Barcelona Foot and Ankle Course. This is an excellent educational event with very tradional teaching much loved by young and old alike. I should like to thank Antonio and Ramon Viladot, the Course organisers and Secretariat for their kind invitation and for making me feel very welcome. Long may this continue.
I hope that you are now enjoying the new EFAS website, which was launched at the Lyon Congress by Joris Hermus. If not please log on and enjoy the many new (and old) functions available. Use the separate log in details for members. I should like to thank Joris, the Media and Website Committees and all others involved for bringing this to a very satisfactory conclusion.
Finally, our Journal goes from strength to strength with an Impact Factor now approaching that of Foot and Ankle International. I should like to thank Martinus Richter, the editors, reviewers and publishers for the continuing success of our publication.
Thankfully, I am now expecting to see many of you properly in 2022,
Don McBride President EFAS