Words from EFAS President

1234 Views 24 November 2021

Call for EFAS Volunteers

1263 Views 22 November 2021

EFAS Lyon Congress 2021

EFAS Congress is an event like no other. This year even more! A face-to-face meeting of our, your society is back, in over 2 years!

741 Views 29 September 2021

23rd EFORT annual Congress

On behalf of the Executive Committee and the Science Committee, we would like to invite you to participate in the 23rd EFORT Congress in Lisbon, Portugal from 22 to 24 June 2022.

798 Views 26 August 2021

Iowa Fellowship News

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut nulla id justo pulvinar gravida. Nulla volutpat leo a felis efficitur, bibendum feugiat est rutrum. Sed commodo leo et dolor interdum, sit amet iaculis libero sodales. Nunc congue, dolor id tempus aliquam, nibh arcu vehicula

570 Views 20 August 2021