EFAS Research Fellowship

Applications for the Research Fellowship are now open, see more details on EFAS Website. 

548 Views 26 April 2022

Why take the EFAS Certification examination? - By Helka Koivu

I took the EFAS Certification exam at 2016. By then, I had 10 years of experience as an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon, first at the University Hospital where I was trained and as a private practitioner thereafter. At the time I was also preparing my thesis regarding total ankle arthroplasty, which I finished the following year. Although continuously following the literature regarding foot and ankle surgery, the preparing for the exam was very useful for myself to rehearse the basic science and to recall the topics of the specialty that I do not so often see in my everyday work.

Apply now : https://www.efas.net/certification-programme-application

885 Views 27 March 2022

Spring days of AFCP

Very soon our French National Society, AFCP and our Spanish National Society, SEMCPT, will organize the Spring days of AFCP in Barcelona from 12 to 14 May 2022.

749 Views 15 February 2022

EFAS Youth Committee : call for volunteers

In deep connection with the other EFAS committees, the main aims of the Youth Committee are to create a fluid network among young surgeons from the whole continent (and beyond!), to facilitate professional and personal connections between young colleagues and EFAS and to support the growth of the society from a scientific (research) and educational (fellowships, courses, collaborations) standpoint. So, if you are building up your foot and ankle experience and you feel you have been staring at EFAS but did not find a moment to get closer to it just yet, that’s the moment to step forward and keep in touch with us!

751 Views 08 February 2022