EFAS Travelling Fellowship Program

1012 Views 0 Comments 16 December 2021

EFAS Travelling Fellowship Program has been in the past a great success.

It has been an excellent opportunity for several young Foot and Ankle surgeons that felt that this Fellowship was an important boost on their interest for the Speciality.

Being immersed on different environments, contact with other points of view, connecting with top level Foot and Ankle Surgeons can be a career changing opportunity.

This two last years have been very difficult and forced us to suspend our Fellowship Program. Now we think it’s safe to reboot this activity.

We are planning two alternative routes for next year EFAS Travelling Fellowship starting in September 2022, ending on the EFAS Congress in Edinburgh.

Please, check the details on EFAS Website and apply.

Best wishes,

Dr. med. Nuno Côrte-Real

Chair EFAS Fellowship Committee


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