EFAS Council Elections - Madrid 2023
04 September 2023
Dear EFAS member,
You are invited to our next General Assembly, planned to be held on December 8th, 2023 in Madrid, Spain, during our Symposium. At this special meeting, EFAS will hold the elections for new Council members.
There is 1 position to be filled in.
The following member have served 1 term (2 years) at the Council and therefore is eligible for re-election:
▪ Daniele Marcolli (Italy)
Member’s Nomination Requirements and Eligibility (according to the Articles of Association) are the following:
▪ Any member nominated for EFAS Council must have attended a minimum of 3 EFAS Courses/meetings within the previous 5 years
▪ She/he must be able to attend the General Assembly in person, and must be a Paying Full Member at the time of nomination
▪ Two references members of EFAS are required
To apply, please send the completed nomination form with the two references to Dr. Joris Hermus, EFAS Honorary Secretary ( and to EFAS secretarial support (
It is important to well define the subject of your email : Council Nomination – Elections 2023.
The deadline for submitting all nominations is: October 15th, 2023.
Looking forward to receive your application.
Kind regards,