EFAS Council Elections - Edinburgh 2022

663 Views 0 Comments 01 August 2022

Dear EFAS member,

You are invited to our next General Assembly to be held on October 28th, 2022 in the Edinburgh International Conference Center, Scotland during our EFAS Edinburgh's Congress. At this special meeting, EFAS will hold the elections for new Council members.

There are 8 positions to be filled on Council.

The following members have served 1 term (2 years) on Council and therefore are eligible for re-election:

  • Antonio Dalmau (Spain)
  • Beat Hintermann (Switzerland)
  • Fabian Krause (Switzerland)
  • James Ritchie (UK)
  • Manuel Sousa (Portugal)

Member Nomination Requirements and Eligibility (according to the Articles of Association):

  • Any member nominated for Council must have attended a minimum of 3 EFAS Courses/meetings within the previous 5 years, must be available to attend the General Assembly in person, and must be a paying Full Member at the time of nomination.
  • Two signing supporters members of EFAS

To apply please send us the nomination form completed with the two references. The deadline for submitting all nominations is: September 1st, 2022, strictly to efassecretary@mcocongres.com , and to Manfred Thomas, EFAS Honorary Secretary,
manfred.thomas71@outlook.com with a subject line: Council Nomination – Elections 2022.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our secretary.
Kind regards,

Don McBride (EFAS President 2020-2022)
Manfred Thomas (EFAS Honorary Secretary 2020-2022)


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