Apply now to become member of the EFAS Scientific Committee
16 August 2022
The Scientific Committee, under the supervision from EFAS Council, is in charge of organising the scientific content of the following EFAS Events: EFAS bi-annual Congress, EFAS Advanced Symposium (bi-annual), and EFAS Specialty Day/Sessions at EFORT Congress (yearly).
Over the last two years EFAS SC has also conducted webinars and helped the Council with online activities within EFAS. Biannually, all members of the SC evaluate all abstracts sent for EFAS Congress. All members of EFAS SC meet at least twice a year (usually during EFORT Congress (May-June), and during EFAS Congress or Advanced Symposium. The Committee Chair is invited
to report all activities of the SC to EFAS Council.
The Scientific Committee is looking for four (4) experienced orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeons committed to teaching and education to complete the 12-member Scientific Committee team after the stepping down of four members following its by-laws.
To apply, please fulfill the online application on the top of the page
Applicants’ requirements (essential):
• full-paying members of EFAS
• provide references by 2 full members of EFAS
• it is desirable for applicants to: have obtained EFAS certification, be able to demonstrate extensive experience in foot and ankle surgery, show active involvement in EFAS courses and events in the past years, to be able to demonstrate motivation and commitment to teaching at national and/or international level, be involved in research and publications in the field of foot and ankle surgery.
• Candidates should not be serving on other EFAS Committees
During application (before the 10th of October 2022), candidates will be asked to send a motivation letter and to provide a short biography and personal statement. Applications will be evaluated according to a scoring system by all Scientific Committee members. New members will be invited to attend the SC Meeting to be held during EFAS Congress (Edinburgh, 27th-29th October 2022).
Looking forward to receiving your applications to become part of an exceptional team,
More information about the Scientific Committee
Manuel Monteagudo
Chair of EFAS Scientific Committee