The primary aim of the development of a European Certification process in Trauma and Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgery is to promote the highest standard of practice in our field of expertise to benefit patients.
There are many secondary benefits. Surgeons who complete this process will have a general understanding of the knowledge and surgical skills required but the standard shall be placed at specialist level providing complete confidence in our art and science for the patients that we treat. The process shall promote educational and scientific research in basic science, paediatric, adult and traumatic foot and ankle surgery. By reinvestment the training of young surgeons interested in pursuing a career in trauma and orthopaedic foot and ankle surgery shall be facilitated. It is the wish of the European Foot and Ankle Society to remain at the forefront of these exciting developments and take our speciality proactively in to the future setting the standards for many years to come. This document outlines the requirements for Certification and the examination process by which its award shall be achieved and sanctioned.
Examination Board
The Examination Board shall include the Certification Committee and all members of EFAS Council when each examination is taking place and shall include co-opted examiners as required. This board shall confirm the eligibility of candidates based on the entry criteria, shall prepare and conduct the examinations and shall be responsible for the award of a pass or fail based on a standard scoring system for the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) paper and the Oral Examination (Viva). For the candidates who pass the Board shall be responsible for the recommendation to the Union of European Medical Societies (UEMS) for endorsement prior to the award of the Certificate.
Once a candidate has been accepted for examination the following process will occur, preceding the biennial meeting or advanced instructional course.
Written MCQ
The format will be a 1 hour multiple choice questionnaire comprising 50 questions with five options. A bank of questions has been developed by the examination board and shall be reviewed and updated regularly.
Oral examination
These will be aligned to the Curriculum and shall involve 20 minute sessions with two examiners, 10 minutes each. They shall include the following topics:
• Basic science
• Paediatric
• Adult
• Trauma
• Foot and Ankle surgery
This format should allow the whole examination to take place in one day.
Certification process
Examination Pass
Once the candidate has satisfied the examiners and examination board, a pass and Certificate shall be awarded by EFAS. As previously agreed with UEMS this shall be ratified and sanctioned by UEMS.
Individual Countries
The Certificate shall be an EFAS award ratified and sanctioned by UEMS. Medico- legally, or through revalidation and recertification/licence conditions it may not be recognised initially in individual countries. However, it is expected that once established it will be seen as a benchmark in our particular area of expertise.
Honorary Certification
EFAS Council and the Certification Board have agreed that it would be appropriate to consider awarding an Honorary Certificate to European Foot and Ankle Surgeons of merit. This shall be drawn from the previous list of Executive and Council Members who were democratically elected and who have been active in EFAS and its committees.