EFAS Foundation

Promote Research, Education & knowledge transfer

The EFAS Research Foundation is the official Foundation of the European Foot & Ankle Society (EFAS), established on the 06th November, 2013, in Basel, Switzerland.

Its main purpose is to promote research, education, knowledge transfer, treatment quality, patient safety, innovation, and charity of EFAS and the Foot & Ankle medicine.

EFAS Research Foundation provides and facilitates: Research Grants, Research Awards, Instructional Courses, Fellowships, Certificates, Scientific Journal, Committees, international cooperation projects, and charity and humanitarian activities.

Board Members

  • Prof. Dr. Victor Valderrabano, Switzerland, Research Foundation President
  • Dr. Manfred Thomas, Germany, EFAS President
  • Dr. Xavier Martin Oliva, Spain, EFAS President-Elect
  • Dr. James Ritchie, UK, EFAS Honorary Treasurer
  • Dr. Joris Hermus, Netherlands, EFAS Honorary Secretary
  • Dr. Hans Martin Tschudi, Switzerland, Foundation Manager 

Invited Members

  • Dr. Kris Buedts, Brussel, EFAS Past President
  • Dr. Jean-Luc Besse, France, EFAS Education Committee Chair
  • Dr. Fabian Krause, Switzerland, EFAS Research Committee Chair
  • Dr. Xavier Martin Oliva, Spain, EFAS Specimen Lab Committee Chair
  • Dr. Nuno Corte-Real, Portugal, EFAS Fellowship Committee Chair


Supported by the EFAS Research Committee, the EFAS Research Foundation enables research and scientific work of EFAS and Foot & Ankle area, including all sub-areas of Foot & Ankle, as basic science, biomechanics, epidemiology, clinics, surgery, outcome, radiology, and others.

Submitted grant applications are evaluated by the EFAS Research Committee on a professional scientific way: blinded peer review, evaluation of methods and significance, level of importance.

Read more about the EFAS Research Grants

The EFAS Research Foundation provides further research support by giving the “EFAS Research Award - for Clinical and Basic Science” at EFAS annual conference. This award is also managed on a highly scientific manner by the EFAS Research Committee.

The EFAS Research Foundation is also active in providing means for important EFAS research projects, as scores, registers, and other research projects.


Supported by the EFAS Education and Scientific Committee, the EFAS Research Foundation provides support for all conferences, courses, fellowships, and skill labs of EFAS.

The EFAS Research Foundation provides not only means for education of the EFAS members but also of all orthopaedic surgeons, residents, scientists, and all professions dealing with Foot & Ankle.

Further the EFAS Research Foundation does support the EFAS scientific journal: Foot and Ankle Surgery

Humanitarian Activities

The EFAS Research Foundation supports financially and with volunteer work of EFAS and EFAS members all kind of humanitarian activities for improvement of Foot & Ankle treatment and teaching around the globe. 

The EFAS Foundation is seeking industry and individual financial support in order to sustain its activities. EFAS and its Foundation truly value every donation made.

Would you wish to contribute?

Please find the bank details to make a donation below:

Credit Suisse Zürich

Credit Suisse AG
Paradeplatz 8
8070 Zürich

Bankenclearing Nummer (BLZ): 4835

IBAN: CH70 0483 5145 7338 9100 0
EFAS Research Foundation

IBAN: CH36 0483 5145 7338 9200 0
EFAS Research Foundation

If you wish to know more about the different options, please contact the office. 

Supporting the Foundation - Donations

EFAS thanks Medartis to support the EFAS Research Foundaton for the next 3 years

Contact The Foundation Office:

EFAS Research Foundation Office:
Dr.iur. Hans Martin Tschudi 
TSCHUDI.Rechts- & Unternehmensberatung
St. Alban-Anlage 44
CH – 4010 Basel
0041 61 283 85 85